As professional marketers we are very focused on results - naturally!

As a result we have a propensity to focus attention towards the upper-funnel and lower-funnel of the consumer journey. This means the mid-funnel is often overlooked.

It is this point when consumers are exploring and evaluating their buying options and the opportunity to engage and influence is at it's strongest.

All consumers are contended with a huge amount of choice and information as  we navigate the complex “messy middle” of an online purchase journey... this is the space where customers are won and lost. 

By successfully bridging this gap, i.e. by providing our potential customers with the information they need to make their purchasing decisions, we can create an always-on mid-funnel strategy allowing us to be more flexible to adapt to changing consumer behaviours throughout the path to purchase — now and in the future.

Food for thought when evolving an attribution model to move from a last-touch perspective to a multi-touch attribution model with an understanding that each channel carries an incremental value.

Check out this article by Think with Google - not only do they champion this approach, they experienced 16x more sales when they adopted a mid-funnel, multi-touch attribution model.

Get in there!