When Sales Navigator was first introduced, it was a game-changer in B2B selling, offering sellers a unique way to connect and establish online relationships with buyers. Now, they're set to redefine the selling landscape again by integrating Generative AI (GAI) into Sales Navigator, piloting two innovative features: AI-assisted search and Account IQ.

Elevate your lead search experience in LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

The search capability in Sales Navigator is cherished by sellers. It stands out as one of the most popular features, delivering accurate and current results from LinkedIn's vast community of over 950M members. The newly launched AI-assisted search, backed by a GAI interface, allows sellers to effortlessly input conversational search prompts, making the search process even more intuitive.

Imagine simply stating: “Find me marketing decision-makers at LinkedIn on the U.S. East Coast with a second-degree connection to me.” The AI-assisted search efficiently picks the appropriate search filters based on the given prompt, offering sellers unparalleled ease in identifying leads.

Now, this is a big step forward.