Unlike conventional search engines, which rely on web crawlers to collect information, chatbots use large language models to predict the likeliest next word in a response based on its reading of billions of sentences that use the preceding words.
This ability allows chatbots to provide tailored responses to complex queries, expanding the market for various applications and could lead to an explosion of industry-specific chatbots, such as in-house data searching for businesses and travel recommendations for booking companies.
The potential impact of chatbots on the way people interact with the internet and information is significant. In fact, Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has gone so far as to call the technology "as important as the PC, as the internet."
However, chatbots have limitations, such as the risk of providing false information and difficulty in monetisation for the likes of Google & Bing so the bigger question for digital marketing is exactly how this will shape the landscape of search, as we know it.
How AI chatbots could change online search: they will supply tailor-made answers and create new markets